The location of Casa Maria di Jucunda Sicilia Holiday Experiences can be said strategic for the area of Modica Alta.

The viewpoint "Pizzo"

A 5-minute walk you can reach the viewpoint "Pizzo" a truly magical place, an exciting show that helps you go for a walk in time.

Here you can enjoy a wonderful view of Modica and its hills. A lovely and romantic place. To get there just walk along the streets that are in the immediate vicinity to Casa Maria di Jucunda Sicily holiday experiences.

Cathedral of San Giorgio

A 7-minute walk, but going towards Modica Bassa, reach the Cathedral of San Giorgio.

One of the symbols of Modica.

Once you reach the Cathedral you can admire the spectacular staircase and the facade characterized by five entrance gates to the church with inside divided into five naves. You can also take advantage of the evening opening to climb the tower.

The castle of Conti

Near the Cathedral of San Giorgio, another viewpoint of the city is located just below the Castle of the Counts. A dip in the past in the Modica of the period of the late 1300. You can visit the caves built between the Vl and the tenth century and arriving at the tower where the clock insists, a breathtaking view of Modica bassa awaits you.

Cathedral of San Pietro

Another 5 minutes walk and you will be in Modica Bassa at the Cathedral of San Pietro.